Monday, January 10, 2011

The Psychology of Facebook Relations

Facebook is truly a microcosm of life.

Through my connections, this weekend I have seen life, death, birthdays, celebrations, the good...the bad, and the ugly...

(I consider the Packers win one of "the ugly". LOL)

Facebook has made the world just a little smaller. Sometimes that is very good, because when you are looking for someone to bounce things off of, or that have things in has made it much easier to do that.

Sometimes it isn't so good when you get bombarded with invites from all of the different applications--but that is just a part of life on FB. I say, deal with it.

I have reconnected with old friends and gotten better acquainted with people who were just acquaintances before. Of course, there is that occasional person that I don't really want to know more about...but overall, I find the status updates, the photos, the connections very interesting.

I wonder how long til there is a college course studying the psychology of Facebook relations??

Happy Monday! :D


  1. That's awful deep for a Monday morning... ;)

  2. I know, right? Sometimes you gotta get your hip waders on around me ;)
